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About Me

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Sometimes all we need to do is just rest in God. We strive, but His grace is enough.


Amazing Lord

When I was in prayer a few days ago, a morning actually, I was asking God to reveal himself to me through his word like never before, and this changed my life. . . I hope it helps you!
Ezekiel 16:8 Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign Lord, and you became mine.
". . .I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love. . ." JESUS IS PERFECT, HE HAS CONTROL OVER EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE. I am telling you this because sometimes we tend to forget God always helps us and has everything under control. In times of sadness, anger, desperation we forget. Here we see He wraps us in His perfect time, when we are "old enough for love". . . I can not explain how safe this makes me feel and how loved I feel when I think about His amazing power and compassion.
"I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. . . and you became mine" (emphasis added). Ah! Safety, Warmth, His Grace completely covers his children. He covers our nakedness, the old life, the old heart, he gives us warmth. Since I fell in love with Jesus, I knew, and I will always know, His love is the only thing I seek and the only thing I will ever need. ". . . and you became mine" I will NEVER regret that. All the praise and honor to the King!

Are you in need of Jesus? He will love to listen to you! A simple cry, a prayer, and you can be transformed.

Fav. phrase "You can search your soul and find no light. Until you look in the Savior's eyes, and then you finally realize the saving sacrifice is love divine. You can lift your eyes, come on to the cross, there is healing for ALL who come!" -Leeland (Lift Your Eyes) <3
Good day!

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